A humble request


Dear Sir / Madam,   

My name is Asanga Buwaneka Divulwewa. I'm 43 yrs of age. I'm a resident of Dehiwala Sri Lanka and is confined to a wheelchair from my infancy. When I was six weeks old I got a brain fever and it affected my limbs and luckily not my brain, in spite of my disability I attended a normal school with normal students. Sometimes when the classes were upstairs I had to be carried, It was not easy at all life was very hard and still is, in  midst of all this I managed to complete my school life successfully.

I didn't stop from there after A/Ls I followed a computer course as well as a teaching course, at present I'm unemployed. I'm also skilled in Graphic Designing, Typesetting, translating, and much more. 

I would much appreciate if you kindly help me to find a job opportunity which suits my skills.

My contact details are as follows:

Asanga Buwaneka Divulwewa 

Phone: 0760373002, 0750356145

e-mail : asanga.divulwewa1981@gmail.com

Hope to hear from you soon.




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